
Stock Trades

How to predict Forex, stocks,gold,oil,cryptos?

The Predictive Correlated Market Analysis can be used to find profit in equities as well the other markets.
Here is a chart of the results of momentum plays utilizing The Predictive method to identity a Future Signal and The Future price target.
 These stocks topped at 18% increase within two weeks
This stock topped at 200% increase in two weeks.
These results in momentum plays could be sustainable, and replicated to produce a high return in short periods of time. But the system could also fail to identify price targets accurately, and result in a loss. The past results can not depended upon for future results. That said, there are many examples here that point to a probability that the system could be accurate 99% of the time if not 100%.
See my 99% win rate record at profitmost.blogspot.com

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