
How to keep your bank accounts safe

According to yahoo, bank accounts all over the world were hacked and billions of dollars were stolen.

The best way to protect yourself from a information thief is.
Don't click emails you get from websites that appear to be from your bank, before verifying it's authentic. 
 Go directly to your banks website by typing the address, in the address bar of a browser, and login there.

You can now go through the PWTtoken.org private network to your banks website.

There should be a https in the address line, which is a secured connection ( the _ s ). Do not give out your banking information to any online entity unless you know you can trust them.
  Always use secure payment.
Do not provide your bank credentials to third party apps or software.

Many merchants use trusted and secure payment processors, like Paypal, Google Wallet, and others.

If you buy merchandise or services, online, make sure the connection you use is a secured connection.

 Change your passwords often.
Use 2 verifications for logins, or biometrics on your phone.

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