
Predictive Correlated Market Analysis

The Predictive Correlated Market Analysis
Coined by Ken McCormick at profitmost.
Ken designs, tests and offers predictive profit strategies.

The Predictive Correlated Market Analysis identifies The Future Price Target of any investment, and has a high degree of accuracy with the highest profit factor in the world of investing.
By comparing the correlations with Predictive Perception, it is possible to achieve 100% wins. Here is a record of trading Forex with 99%. 99% wins
 Profit Factor 2384 is the highest in the world.

After studying all of the popular trading strategies that use moving averages, and other lagging technical indicators, as well as lagging fundamental indicators and data. I concluded that a future signal was required to make a more accurate, and less risky trade. The future signal would need to point to The Future Price Target.

The way to find The Future Price Target is by completing The Predictive Correlated Market Analysis. Coined and perfected by Ken McCormick at Profitmost

The Financial Markets form trading channels, and trading patterns, which are somewhat predictable. The future signal provides assurance of the probable Future Price Target. It leads the way, to the price target.

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