
Crypto Algo

 The Crypto Algo 

New Bitcoin Blockchain with automated wealth building 



What's possible

449x in 1mo. Meme Coins

Being designed to find the best opportunities exclusively, and do better.

We will have secure code and Blockchain distribution.

The software scans blockchains, to find best opportunities, offering a highest probability of profit.

Turn it on, it automatically works, until you turn it off.

This enables passive income, and wealth building.

Together the chain offers prosperity for everyone.

The World Record Forex Prediction strategy has been used in a live hedging system. The test results in 4% per day.

Compounding returns

The crypto bots do much better, and use a decentralized distribution system, the Blockchain, which is controlled by users.

For more information get in touch


Profitmost.com Profit Strategies Trading Strategies

You can become wealthier.

Profitmost products can be used to build unlimited wealth.
Use WRTS token

Top world record predictive trading strategy.
High profit performance
 At the lowest risk.

  I coined this term:
 The Predictive Correlated Market Analysis.
 By completing this analysis, it is possible to predict the future price target in the financial markets, with very high accuracy.

Profitmost Predictive Trading Strategies 
Trading Strategies by
Ken McCormick
Profit Engineer


The Profitmost Prediction Strategy recorded three world records.
1. The highest Profit Factor
2. The highest one month return with no drawdown
 3. The highest profit factor, and return, during the Federal Interest Rate Decision Event.

 Profitmost Prediction strategy is used to predict future price targets in the financial markets.

More world records are being produced almost daily.

 It's a method of strategic thinking, using predictive analysis, to predict probabilities
  It can also be used to predict lottery gamesπŸ˜€. πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°

The most valuable information in the world today is accurate predictions of financial markets.
Lottery Game Predictions would be more valuable, but I'm not quite there yet.

  The trading performance results are World Records, with world record profit factors.

The trading strategies results listed here, best month is 1365% profit, without equity drawdown.

 Why Profitmost?
The Profitmost strategy has the highest profit factors in the world, by a large margin.
  The  best one month result.
4/7/2019, is +1365% in 30 days, with zero drawdown.
  We also have the low risk WRTS Token, wealth builder with private messaging, on the blockchain, and much more.

Why are Profitmost returns so much higher than all others?
 Because of the most accurate future price prediction.


 NFTs are discontinued until the decentralized private Blockchain is ready for them.

Private Lottery Club is part of the WRTS token project.
Let's win jackpots through prediction.
Predicted Pick4 and won
$2600 with $1
Have also won πŸ’° in Powerball games, Mega Millions, Pick 2 3,4,5 

The Profitmost Wealth Project

 Other Profit Systems in the works
Income Wealth Electricity Health from natural resources.
The Solar Energy Project 
Solar more efficient, at a lower cost. Run a relay, on the private Blockchain, get prediction trades to build wealth.

The Cellular Project
Cellular done smart. Phones become automatic trading bots, combining communication, income, and building wealth.

The records of the most profitable strategies, are here, on Profitmost.com

 Knowing The Probable Future Price Target is key to maximizing your profit and lowering risk, in investments.
 Here is an example of what is possible.
World recordπŸ‘‡
During the (click here),Fed Interest Rate Decision Event I used the predictive method to take profit from the Forex Market, in a few hours, with 26 trades. Recorded a 46 profit Factor. That's one of the best Profit Factors ever recorded, by a large margin, when trading Forex, during this volatile, presumably unpredictable, interest rate decision event.
 I accurately predicted moves in price, during one of the most uncertain, and volatile events. It resulted in a 46 profit factor, the highest ever recorded, trading this event.

There is proof, via screenshots of trades, and the reports of trading results on this website.

Long term and short term investors need to know future price targets to maximize profit in whatever asset they are investing in. Guessing is not a strategy, neither is assuming.

1. Invest in residual income
2. Do not lose money. 
3. Follow Rule #1 & #2

 Knowing the future price target will increase your profit by a large margin. 

Algorithmic Forex traders are mostly based on lagging indicators, and back tested against the price history.

The method is inferior to predicting the live market. 
Lagging indicators do not predict trades, or identify future price targets, per se. But can be used for insight.

The Profitmost Prediction System does not depend on lagging indicators, or any type of algorithm, or artificial intelligence. It does not use mathematical calculations. 
 I use what I call, Predictive Perception, within 
The Predictive Correlated Market Analysis frame work. 

World Record πŸ‘‡
See the 101 trades.
The highest profit factor ever recorded in live trading. 
Profit Factor 2384

Your Algo Traders do not perform in live accounts, the same as in your test.
 It is because you have not predicted the future price action accurately. You do not know how to code it in.
Get in touch.

 I have found that the key to building the automatic trading robots to perform at optimum profit performance, is to first complete The Predictive Correlated Market Analysis, to determine what the probable future price pattern will be, for the period of time you are testing. This is better than current testing methods, but not as profitable as predicting the live market.
You would need to code in the prediction analysis. 
 This has not been coded in by anyone, because as far as I know, nobody but me knows the Profitmost Prediction System.
For now, manual trading is still required, and probably will always be required, to have the lowest risk, and best results.

Get Profitmost WRTS Token
Holders & get world record ideas, Prediction Trades, and more, in private messaging on the blockchain.

This content is not advice, and is used for informational purposes only. 
All tested strategies, and live traded strategies, have the same risk of loss, and the same potential for profit, because the future is mostly unknown, in most cases. 
 All strategies, and trading records, can not be depended upon in regards to a guarantee of future performance. 
 Traders and investors may earn profit, and they may lose money.
By using Profitmost services or products you agree to all risk disclosures, use disclosures, and privacy disclosures, on this website. 

 We will probably outperform every investment, trading strategy in the world by a large margin.
I base it on my three world records with the highest profit factors, and best results, in the world.
  We may become the top Fintech company, residual income, and wealth builder platform, in the world.

Privacy policy, 
We keep all information provided to us, private, to the best of our ability, with no guarantee. 
If you do not want your information exposed, do not send anything over the internet. See disclosures.
All products and ideas are not advice, and is for informational purpose.
Void where prohibited by law.

By using This site you agree to our policies, and Google policies.

Profitmost LLC

Copyrights.  2024 All rights reserved.

We moved our site to blogger for better security, easier use


Save Our Planet

Get involved with the Save Our Planet Project and help save our planet. 
Reduce Carbon Emission pollution and clean up our planet.

Also see 150% back.


Private Investors Club

 The Private Investors Club 

This has changed,

Currently building automated robotic Trader. 

To be posted soon.

An online opportunity that enables transparent, residual income, and wealth building for everyone.

A private, invitation only, group of investors.

Our goal is to maximize our wealth in a low risk model.

We use World Record Prediction results.

To join go hereπŸ‘‡

Post ID kmp in chat 

We are transparent and trustworthy with each other. Our contract with the members is legally binding, enforceable, and can be used to hold us accountable, for our dealings with each other. This protects all of us

Current Results



Best day 800% profit.

 Crypto Prediction Trades at 100x leverage. U.S. citizens were banned on this exchange.πŸ™

Forex is the Market we trade.

Screenshots 71% profit, per month

Prediction Trades 


Members agree to use only funds they can afford to lose, if they invest, or trade, and also agree that future results are not guaranteed to perform the same as past results.

Join Today

See our home page for our terms of service and privacy policies.

Profitmost.com copyright 2023


PWT Token

Profitmost Wealth Token 

PWT Token

PWTtoken is build on Ecash Blockchain. Ecash is a 2nd generation fork, copy, of Bitcoin Blockchain. The developers and others, have created tools on top of the chain.

PWTtoken gives holders access to:

A Private, decentralized Network designed for privacy and security.

Emails, messaging, phone use, and website access runs through the private network, worldwide. It can be done now for members. It just makes sense to be have private, secure internet and cellular use to, protect against hacks, tracking, censoring, and data loss. You don't need high cost security software, and services. You have it, in your own hands, at almost free, and it even pays you.

How much will that save you? Thousands to millions of $.

On PWT Private Network

You can run websites, blogs, social media app, e-commerce site, collaborate in business, run a private Blockchain,  and whatever you can imagine, while having full control, and at almost zero cost.  Plus you earn money.

You can even get automatic wealth building.

eTokens give you up to $10,000 in savings, on certain purchases, with even more to come.

PWT tokens, and other tokens we create can be swapped to run on the private chain.

The savings value will increase for each etoken as we move forward.

 etokens are swappable with our other tokens.

You can purchase tokens and earn them.

Find out how

 πŸ‘‰ Let's Chat.  πŸ‘‰ T.me/profitmost

πŸ‘‰Income Wealth Health Privacy Security

Be part of the decentralized Blockchain, and earn automatic wealth.


First get yourself a ecash wallet using cashtab.

πŸ‘‰ e.cash/wallets

Be sure to follow the instructions and copy your seed phrase, don't lose it.

 You should set your phone to use biometric ( your finger) to open it. Find it under settings, security.

To find your xec (ecash) receive address. It's under the QR code.

To earn tokens create a Twitter x account, and copy your ecash address, 
then paste it in your Twitter profile. Then promote the tokens. You automatically get tokens.

We will send you PWT Tokens for your retweets, and promotion activity, based on the interaction on your retweets, and tweets. The more active followers you have or create,  the more Tokens you earn and get. 
You can also use #PWTtoken #etokencash #profitmostwealthtoken
The PWTtokens will be sent directly to your ecash receive address.

Buy PWTtokens 

After we send you PWTtokens, get in touch to learn how you can start earning automatic wealth.


Move forward in the wealth builder.

If you don't want to trade crypto, then promote on x Twitter, it's free to start building your team.

You can get started

Start Building your wealth team now.

We will build our own decentralized platform, complete with the Profitmost Prediction Trades technology, which produces automatic wealth. All members can get VIP access.

ecash is a fork, (copy) of Bitcoin.

ecash MCap is est.. $700 million.

PWTtoken, and the other etokens that we create, are built on top of the ecash Blockchain. It is possible to trade ecash, and PWTtoken for USD, and other fiat, as well as, swap for crypto coins and tokens.

Our etokens are gaining utility. You will be able to trade them for services and products you need, and get a discounted price

πŸ‘‡ Benefits 

To build income, automatic wealth, have health, have privacy and security,.

πŸ‘‰If you really care about wealth, health, safety, and privacy, and you want to stop censoring, stop spying, snooping, hacking, and other intrusions, you need to be a member.

What will you do, when you get hacked, and lose your money?

How will you prevent identity theft, and other risky online intrusions ?

You simply use the private network, while using your mobile phone, and or computer, to make all activity, private, and secure. You're safe.

Many people earned millions of BTC, through bitcoin mining, which is (verification). Many have lost it through hacks.

 Using the private network

There is no need for expensive computers, and high electricity bills, no worries about hacks, and intrusions.

πŸ‘‰  Simply join the network, and continue to use your phone and computer, as you do now. Do some Retweets on x Twitter, invite others to build your team.

We have something for everybody.

Moms, Dads, Singles, Couples, Young adults, Seniors, Business owners, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Traders, Service pros, all pros...Everybody.

You Get

πŸ‘‰ eTokens

πŸ‘‰Monthly World Record Crypto, price predictions.

πŸ‘‰ Monthly holistic health related research, look and feel fantastic

πŸ‘‰ Referral income from your team paid directly to you.

πŸ‘‰ How to build your wealth through, Prediction Trades, Marketing, xTwitter Retweets, etoken sales, team building, upgrades, project referrals, network node relays, and other tools.

πŸ‘‰ Privacy App, for safe messaging, internet and cellular use.

πŸ‘‰ Private Messenger App 

πŸ‘‰ Worldwide private messages

πŸ‘‰ Ongoing training, guidance on marketing, how to build your income and wealth, how to get discounts on your purchases, how to earn income from team members, how to sell, and swap, your Tokens, how to use eTokens to gain discounted prices on certain purchases, with more to come.

Get etokens, go Solar at a discounted price, and become a member, automatically. There is not a better offer on the planet at this moment. Contact a token holder/member.

Use Solar Power for crypto mining, and earn other crypto, at a low cost. In the works.

Or start promoting.

When you go Solar, or do other business, through a member, you get discounted prices, you automatically earn etokens, enabling you to gain access and build automatic wealth.

You get the best of everything, including price, quality, and much more.

PWT Token, and private network, is used to build automatic wealth, stay private, stay safe, and secure cellular, and internet connections. 

Soon the entire world will realize it's the Smart thing to do.

Use etokens, and get discounts on everything you need, and much more.

Members get secure connections to: Search engines, business directories, markets to buy, sell, and transact eTokens, crypto tokens, and coins, discounts, rewards, and more. Everything.

Use the web and apps, as you normally do, while going through the PWT network, as you build wealth, and stay secure.

You have a right to privacy, and security. Now you can have it.

Companies, that support privacy and security, should join the private network today.

 We help members build teams by giving you members the we get for you., 

Join today. 

Members can spend, their etokens immediately, for some things they need. They have utility now. No need for third party, outside, exchange services. Soon the swap platform will be available.

πŸ‘‡Get Discounted Pricing

With eTokens

Solar, Home Improvement, Real Estate, Residential, Commercial Property, Financing, Phones, Plans, Security Systems, Clean Water Systems, Automobiles, Insurance, Healthcare, Travel, Vitamins, Teas, Coffee, much more. Everything.....soon

Much WOW!!!


You need wealth, you need private, secure messaging, you need private internet browsing, you need a private search engine, you need to be safe online.

You need πŸ‘‰ PWT TOKEN Network 

Now you can have it all with peace of mind, health, wealth, privacy, and security.


Privacy keeps you safe. If bad actors can't find you on the internet, they can't hack you, and steal from you. 

 Private connections stop governments, bad actors, and competitors, from snooping, tracking, censoring, and stealing.

Either go private, or lose your money, your identity, your freedom, and worse.

Read, Carnegie spyware analysis


Everybody: business owners, consumers, and you, need privacy, and security, on the decentralized, private network.

 It's the smart way to have privacy, security, safety, freedom, automatic wealth, and health. It's the only way.

Join us now, and have a better life. 

You need this.

PWT can buy the most valuable information in the world. Accurate, proven, world record, Forex, Crypto, Financial Market, Prediction Trades, in private messaging, access to the private Blockchain, rewards, discounted prices on everything, and much more.


PWT Holders get 

πŸ‘‰ Residual Income

πŸ‘‰Automatic Wealth

πŸ‘‰ Health Product Research

πŸ‘‰ Rewards πŸ‘‰Discounts

πŸ‘‰ Team Building

πŸ‘‰Access to the only private Blockchain in the world, with automatic wealth building, and best of privacy and security.

πŸ‘‰ Prediction Trades 

πŸ‘‰ etoken rewards 

Other projects 

πŸ‘‰ eDating

πŸ‘‰ eBiz 

πŸ‘‰ eRent connects renters and landlords

 Work from home, and remotely, to build your team, and wealth.

 Pay yourself, what you want.

The PWTtoken Private Blockchain, is secure, and private.  Only the intended parties are able to gain access, read messages, and content.

It happens automatically, as users use the web, the apps, and the programs, they use now. No tracking, invasion of privacy, censoring, or stealing. No worries.

  This enables high security, and privacy, that is untraceable, and unhackable. Cool, right?

The future value of this is unlimited.

One plan turns $100 into $2.3 B, after three years, following the plan, using Prediction Trades.

Get access to the private network today. Secure your life.

Why would you continue to be at risk ? You don't have to be.

You know, Facebook was fined $5 billion for invasion of your privacy, don't you?

What do you think they did with your information?

You know they own Whatsapp too, right, ? It may not be private either.

You really think your conversations are private there? Maybe not.

How much did it cost Yahoo and other corporations, when they were hacked, and lost customer data? Could your business afford to pay it ?

πŸ‘‰ No more worries, for business owners, about losing customer data, and paying large fines/penalties.

 No more commercial, criminal, or government spyware, snooping on your activities.

 Now business owners can relax, thinking about saving millions of dollars, and growing your business.

It's healthy, safe growth.

  Financial transactions, like stock trades, crypto trades, and others, are secure, and can no longer be manipulated. It's fair, secure, private, and much more profitable

Much WOW!

Become a member now


World Record Trade Predictions 

Like thisπŸ‘‡

More world record Prediction Trades, here on this site.

Trade Predictions are for informational purposes, not advice.

The potential future value of PWT Token is Trillions $$$, based on the world record predictions, the privacy network, and security features.

A recent crypto prediction trade earned 405.07% in a short time. It's a world record.

If you're a skilled trader, scan the QR code, and save on trading fees.

Coinex will no longer take U.S. citizens.

Become a member now.


 Simply build your team.

Change your world. Make it better

πŸ‘‰ Promote, grow your team, grow your wealth, protect your privacy, and your wealth.

PWT is transacted on a decentralized Private, Secure, Messaging Network. 

This is online income that enables, wealth building, health building, privacy, and security.

PWTtoken network is the only one in the world, with world record automatic wealth building technology.

Members getπŸ‘‡

Blockchain coin, token information, world record trade ideas, trade predictions, security protocols, secure, private connections, savings on purchases, digital rewards, health research, and much more.

Much Much WOW.!!!

More Big rewards are in the works for all etoken holders, and Wealth Builder members.

Only the PWT Token can buy Profitmost world record prediction trades, and strategies

To learn more, goπŸ‘‡


 Profitmost Wealth Token

                     PWT Token

Buy PWT 
promote it, to earn more PWT 

Join with a team member.
Build Wealth.
The Income πŸ‘‡ Plan.  

Prediction Trades
Less than one day.

PWT Token Holders get prediction trades
Current yield chart

Members benefits

Win πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°in our 
Private Lottery Club

 This Pick5 straight/box 
πŸ‘‰won $208
In a row, straight/box 120, pays $25,208. Get it next time?πŸ˜ƒ

No we don't sell tickets.

Verify itπŸ‘‡

 How?...Predictive Analysis+Luck

Prediction of future probability, based on past results.

We will win 1 Mega Million, Powerball jackpot, or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 100 +? Hopefully, 
 If it's possible once, it's possible more than once. 
 When it's probable, well, that's preferred.

Join us now

 Promote Promote Promote

Think BIG

πŸ‘‰ Build Wealth 

πŸ‘‰ Build Health

πŸ‘‰Be Smart

PWT enables private, secure messaging, internet browsing, and secure connections on a decentralized, Private Blockchain.
   PWT Token enables the highest level of secure, private, decentralized messaging, combined with exclusive, world record wealth building, and Health research.

Get started nowπŸ‘‡πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°

Become a member now
Get PWT Token 
Much WOW !!!  πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°

Active members are the foundation of the PWT Token Private Blockchain, and are compensated for it.

You can earn, buy, sell, PWTtokens, etokens and get discounts on other things you need. 
On Everything, you need, soon.
A dollar saved, is a dollar earned.
 You get automatic wealth, and marketing rewards, based on your promotion, activity, and results.

All etokens can be converted to other crypto, USDT, BUSD, Bitcoin, and fiat, USD, then put on your Visa bankcard, or deposit it in your bank.

Compare toπŸ‘‡
 Central Apps and services, can, do, and will, track, and spy. They sell your data. Your business, is your's. Your privacy, is your's. What you are doing in your business, should be kept private, so your actions, and secrets are kept from your competitors, and other snoops.   Centrally controlled services and apps, sell user data, and that data is valuable to your competitors, and to bad actors.

Be smart, be secure. Take back your privacy. Become a member.

PWT Token solves the problem, with the added valuable feature of building automatic wealth.

πŸ‘‰ PWT Token is Profitmost Wealth Token.


It's done, it's ready. 
It's waiting for you. 
Web3 is here & now.
Disclosure πŸ‘‡
 All trading, investing, prediction, other information, are not advice. All could earn profit, or lose money.   Your use of our tools, website, and other assets, are also an acknowledgement, that you choose to do so, at your own risk, and you agree with all other disclosures, on this website.

PWT Token
Profitmost Wealth Token

Profitmost.com Copyright 2023
Privacy and terms


WRTS Token

World Record Prediction Trades

The world record trading strategy has been tested in a hedging system. 

The test will produce a profit of 4% compounded daily.

Starting balance $500

You set the system in the morning and leave it, close it at the end of the day. Set it again the next day.

 Do that Monday through Friday. That's how you compound the 4% daily. It increases the balance every day.

So now you can go to the eCash System buy the token.

When you have bought at least $50,000 of the token, you will receive the strategy.

You simply open up your trading platform you set it, and leave it alone 

Close it at the end of the day. Open it up the next day. Do that 5 days per week. Mon.- Friday

Tokenized Membership

A remote income & wealth building project.

Blockchain based Token, private, messaging in telegram channel, with proven, world record, wealth building performance records.

Income and Wealth 

That's what members get, delivered through private messaging online. Grow your team and get paid directly with no middle man. 

Follow the plan, you'll have enough money to buy the best of everything you need, and want. 

Turn your wealth of time, into time in wealth.πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°

Best month 1365%

Forex Compounding recent  results 77% per month.


$100 to $235,000 in 1year.

$10,000 to $23,000,000 yr2

$1,000,000 to $2.3 billion yr3

Live Crypto Prediction Trade 405% 

More live Crypto Prediction Trades 
Platform reports with watermarks for proof

Recent Prediction Trades
Screen shots of screen shots for proof.

+9% in 10 minutes 

Perfect timing

Prediction Trade 


Watch it move

8 small moves like this is 4% profit per day, 80% per month (20 days). Proves compounding results expectations are probable.

Screenshot gif

4% compounded daily for 6 months

Prediction trades☝️

Lottery Prediction
 $1 to $415

See other results on this site.

World Record Trades

πŸ‘‰ WRTS Token

πŸ‘‡Read everything below

Token Holders Get Prediction Trades, ideas, and lottery numbers, in private messaging through Telegram chat.

Prediction Trades and info, sent to holder's of WRTS Token

Build your team of members, who pay you directly, build your wealth.


Get the Cashtab wallet on e.cash 

To buy ecash, first buy

 Bitcoin Cash, BCH,  or Bitcoin, BTC  at Coinbase.com, or

 buy ecash, XEC at Binance.us ,

 or somewhere.

Then send it to.πŸ‘‰ https://wallet.coinex.com/

Then swap it for ecash XEC

Now send ecash to your Cashtab wallet.

To buy WRTS Tokens, and get Prediction Trades, send $10 weekly, in ecash to your inviter. There will be a very small sending fee added.

You will get a WRTS token

Contact the project Admin on Telegram

Let's chatπŸ‘‡


Currently updating and changing some things, so come back in a day to check for updates.

Note πŸ‘‡

When you are buying WRTS token from a member token holder, other than the project. Send $10 or amount at their level, weekly to the member's wallet If you do not receive the token, the project will send you a token, and collect from the member who did not send it.   

Members who do not follow the rules, will be removed from receiving Prediction Trades, and will be blacklisted. Members can get a copy of The Blacklist from the project, by sending a message in Telegram.

To grow your team, members buy the token, and then sell the token, each token is $10 per week. So if you buy 10 tokens, and sell 10 tokens, you collect $100 per week directly from your team.  So when you sell a member a token, that member pays you weekly going forward, you transfer a token to your new member.

You buy a token and sell a token, to acquire a new member.

To check a member's level, simply go to the ecash blockchain explorer, and search the member's ecash wallet, should have some WRTS tokens. Look at their transaction amount to the project wallet. That's their pay level. You pay weekly to their wallet.

To upgrade simply add to the amount you pay.

Buy for $20 a week, sell for $20 a week.

Buy Sell Upgrade 

$10 5x, $20 5x, $30 5x, $40 5x, $50 5x


is $750 weekly.

Keep building 



is $10,500 weekly, 

$546,000 per year

Build to as much as you want.

Your Team should coordinate, and collaborate, to upgrade together.


The above scenario is an example.

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰. To StartπŸ‘‡

You must start with the member who first contacted you, and at their level. If you want to start at a different level, your inviter must buy a token at that level, and sell it to you.

When you, (member) want to start, send any amount $1 or more. That amount is your weekly level. It's up to you to send it weekly to your inviter/upline Member.

Now you can buy tokens and sell them to grow your team. Start building weekly income, and receiving prediction trades, and information.

What you pay/send, is what you get.

 If you're buying from another member, you must send at least the amount of their last transaction with the project wallet, in the last week. That is their pay level. If you want to start at a different level, your inviter must buy a token at that level, and sell it to you.

The last transaction sent to the project wallet is the pay level. Look at the explorer to verify. If there is not a transaction sent in the last week, don't send that wallet any ecash, report it to the project.

Researchers, must have a WRTS token and be at least a $1 level. They research the transactions on the ecash explorer, and verify the WRTS token holders are sending their correct amounts weekly. If they find wallets behind on payments, copy the wallet address, send a message with "behind" to project. The behind, 🀣, member must send a $10 fee, in ecash, to the researcherπŸ’°, and $10 to their upline member, or project, which ever applies, and another transaction with the correct weekly amount, to their upline. If not updated within 2 days, the member and wallet goes on the blacklist, and the last member to join under that wallet will pay the researcher weekly, going forward. The remaining members under that wallet will send to the project. That fund will be used for project improvements, general project marketing, and member rewards.

Example, $10 sent to project, or member, is $10 weekly.

Prediction Trade 

Projected Results

Compound $10,000 at 77% for one year.

Is $32,000,000

Soon there may be a smart contract written to automate all transactions, even a trade following algorithm targeted to earn 1300% per month. 

πŸ’°Rewards will be sent to members when the project wins lottery games, according to members income levels.

 ecash can be swapped for a stable US dollar coin, and sent back to coinbase, or some other provider, then sold for fiat, and sent to your bank. ecash can also be swapped for Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Cash, as well as others, at Coinex, many businesses except Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash, and some other crypto tokens.

 Members should be working toward adoption of ecash and WRTS tokens, by businesses, and others. Grow your team.

Members should seek businesses to accept ecash and WRTS token.

We want everybody using ecash to transfer the tokens. The tokens provide access the most valuable information in the world, for the members. That's why smart people will want join.

πŸ‘‡ Mint and Token ID


Crypto coins, tokens, funds, Forex, Stocks, ETFs, Markets, Industry , ideas and analysis are for informational purposes. Not advice.

Find WRTS click mint above.

World Record Trades Token

Example of a public message sent through ecash. It's on the ecash explorer with the advanced mode turned on, located in OP_ Return

Here is a copy of the ☝️message in the cashtab wallet that sent the message

Here's a public message prediction of the AUD

Here's what happened next
12%, (leveraged 50x), in profit in a few minutes.

Moves like this happened about 15 times in one month, in just one pair.
That calculates 180% per month not including compounding returns.

Pull up a compound calculator and calculate 180% per month, for a year. That's the potential future wealth you could have in this project. Plus your team building Wealth.

This is verifiable, undeniable, proof, and the reason why, the Prediction Trades information, is highly valuable, and this project is very lucrative for all members.

A screenshot from Yahoo, 

Because of the above proof, the private messaging, transactions written to the blockchain, it cannot be changed, it's here forever, it's verifiable, and transparent. That's why you can trust it.

If this project is complicated to you, look at it this way, you'll have to learn how to build wealth, if you want to be wealthy. 
Start today.

Members do their marketing using their own Telegram user channel, or other preferred method, their prospect will send them an ecash transaction, and the member will send them a WRTS token. Going forward the member will send weekly. That's how you build your team.

There are projects planned, for clean energy, clean air, homelessness, poverty, affordability, privacy, transparency, healthy food, and more.

We want to solve problems.


Profitmost.com  2024